Salsa Recipe
Preparation time 20 mins | Serves for 2 persons

Salsa is one of those healthy foods that can also be used as stuffing or filling. Although salsa is a bit spicy but due to the presence of various healthy vegetables, this meal becomes full of nutrition and it is also one of those healthy meals that cooks quite easily without much hassle. So this recipe is a must addition to your personalized diet plans and if you want to add additional vegetables to the salsa then you must try arrabiata sauce which is also a kind of salsa.


3 tomatoes
1 onion (cut into julienne)
1 clove garlic (copped)
2 capsicums (chopped)
1 tspn black pepper
1 tspn red chili powder
Salt to taste
2 tbspn oil
Miracle Chopper Salsa Maker
Over & Back Company’s Coming Three Part Salsa Server with Iron Stand 17-oz
Bulk Salsa Grande Picante Mexicana, Salsa Mix, 25 lb. box – Kosher


1. Cut toamtoes into small pieces and separate their seed and pulp.
2. In a pan, saute onion and garlic for a minute on high flame.
3. Now add, tomato pulp, capsicum, salt, red and black pepper and cook for 2-3 minutes on medium flame.
4. Turn off the stove and mix chopped tomato in the above mixture. Salsa is now ready and put the salsa bowl in fridge for few minutes to chill.