1 cup boil chicken (shredded)
¾ cup mayonnaise
½ cup cream cheese
½ tspn black pepper freshly crushed (using a wooden pepper mill)
½ tspn white pepper
Pinch of salt
1/2 tspn sugar
1 boil egg (cut into small pieces)
½ tspn mustard paste (optional)
Bread slices as required
1. Mix all the above ingredients well; mayonnaise, cream cheese, black pepper, white pepper, chicken, boil egg, mustard paste, salt and sugar.

2. Cut the sides of bread slices and make triangle shapes.
3. Now take one triangle piece and coat the chicken mixture on it,put a salad leaf, and tomato slice if you like and cover it with other triangle piece.
4. Similarly, make other sandwich like this.
Serve the delicious and healthy chicken salad sandwich with ketchup.